Master's thesis


Preparations for the thesis start in study period 2, in the course ‘Themes in the History of Politics and Society’. You register for one of the six themes offered, all six related to the core of the master's programme. The themes vary from to year to year and will be announced in September. 

Subject, research question and framework

Subsequently, you develop the design of your thesis by defining the theoretical framework, you determine which method you are going to use, select relevant sources, and decide how you will analyze them. Thus, at the end of study period 2, the design for your thesis is ready. In period 2 you also write the introductory chapter of your thesis. In periods 3 and 4 you do the actual research and write your thesis. 

Writing your thesis

You will, of course, receive intensive supervision on the way. There will be regular meetings with your thesis supervisor to discuss your research question, research design and draft versions of chapters you have written. In addition there will be opportunities for peer review with your fellow students. During the preparations in study period 2 peer review takes place in the groups formed in the course 'Themes in the History of Politics and Society'. In the second semester, these groups will also meet occasionally. In addition, you will receive feedback from your fellow students in the 'Thesis Lab': a series of meetings for all students working on their thesis.

Forms and procedures master's thesis

Your Master's thesis will be assessed following specific evaluation procedures. You can prepare for this by reading the following documents and explanations prior to starting your thesis.