Career Orientation

What you can do yourself

Reflection on and development of yourself as a professional

  • Explore your options through sessions on the optional course package and the Honours programme
  • Find out more about the Master’s programmes through open days and career prospects on the Master’s websites
  • Find out what interests you through extra-curricular events like Studium Generale 
  • Attend alumni events organised by your programme or UHSK 
  • Find out what qualities you have and develop skills through volunteering, a side job or board/committee work 
  • Participate in a Skills Lab workshop to develop your skills: e.g. presenting, debating, pitching, graphic design 
  • Make an appointment with your internship coordinator or the career officer 
  • Year 3:
    • Go on one of the Self-analysis for Career Orientation workshops organised by Career Services 
    • Take the online tests offered by Career Services

Exploring the job market and networking

Profiling & applying for a job

  • Year 3:
    • Have your CV and/or (internship) application letter checked by the career officer 
    • Participate in the workshop on Writing a CV and Cover Letter organised by Career Services 
    • Submit a mock application to the career officer 
  • Watch instructional videos produced by Career Services

What the programme offers you

Contact with the field

  • Visit a museum for Introduction to Ancient History and come into cotact with the working field
  • Work on real-world issues in Public History and Politics and policy of sustainability 
  • From year 2 onwards you can do an internship. Make sure you attend the information session for second-year students
  • Consult your BA thesis coordinator if you want to write your Bachelor’s thesis at or for an organisation
  • Put theory into practice at the internship minor

Contact with alumni

  • Attend the information session for 2nd year students, the UHSK Careers Day and other activities organised by your programme and UHSK
  • Get in touch with alumni through History’s LinkedIn group

Academic and professional skills

  • All our courses train you to think, act and communicate in an academic way, to collect and analyse data and to conduct independent research. In addition, you will learn to write for a wide audience in Professional Writing; to debate in Theory of History; to read old manuscripts in Medieval Books and Paleography (both in Dutch); and to analyse data in Big Questions, Big Data, to name but a few (see EER and course planner)
  • Do an internship (abroad)! Acquire professional skills and practical experience and apply your academic skills

Reflection on your qualities, interests and motivation

  • Reflect on your (collaborative) work style in your specialisation and Professional Writing
  • Learn how to give and receive feedback, e.g. in research seminar A and B and your BA thesis
  • Use choices in your major and optional course profile to find out what interests and qualities you have
  • Talk to your tutor and other lecturers about your choice of Master’s programmes and options for the future

Information on future options

Useful contacts