Campus Compass for Master's students

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities at Utrecht University! With the Campus Compass, you can find your way around the Faculty of Humanities.

Download the Campus Compass

Download the Campus Compass: an overview of our buildings, whom to contact for various matters, and the systems we use.

Where do I have classes?

What do I need to know about enrolling in courses?


  • Study spots: study places at various locations in Utrecht.
  • Studium Generale: free academic knowledge in the form of lectures, talk  shows and other events.
  • Olympos: sports centre with a wide range of sports and fitness activities. Your OlymPas entitles you to a discount on sports and fitness fees.
  • Parnassos: cultural centre that offers a wide range of courses, productions and workshops.
  • @humanitiesuu: follow Faculty of Humanities on Instagram for student news and events.
  • Printing: use any card with an RFID chip (e.g. your OV chip card), top up your print credit via myprintportal.

Who can I contact?

Which digital tools do I need?

In case of an emergency

Use the emergency telephone number: 030-2534444. This connects you to the Utrecht University Security.

Still have some questions?

Utrecht University offers a lot of ICT support. You can find more information at, or by calling (030) 2534 500