Academic policies and procedures
If you want to deregister from a test, it is important that you cancel on time. This is also a requirement if you want to apply for a supplementary or replacement test. Do you want to cancel for a lecture? Please contact the lecturer.
Deregister from a test
I want to deregister from a regular test
Are you ill or experiencing circumstances beyond your control? Please deregister from your test in advance using the steps below. After deregistration, you will receive an invitation for the supplementary or replacement test. You cannot deregister from a supplementary or replacement test, regardless of the reason for your absence.
Please deregister via Osiris Case. Navigate to Osiris Student > Cases > My cases > Start a new case by using the plus icon in the bottom right corner. A new window will open. Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off for the new window to open. Choose Curriculum matters > HUM: Deregistration test.
If you study at a different faculty, another university, or if you are a contract student, please deregister using the examination deregistration form.
I want to cancel for another assesment format
If, due to illness or a situation beyond your control (force majeure), you wish to cancel for another form of test, e.g. a paper or a presentation, please contact your study advisor during the telephone consultation hours.
When are you allowed to retake a test?
You are eligible for a supplementary or replacement test if you have:
- Fulfilled all effort obligations during the course and
- Scored below the compulsory minimum for a compulsory partial test (see the course manual) and/or
- Obtained a final grade for a course between 4 and 5.5 and/or
- Failed a compulsory test or final test due to illness or force majeure and have deregistered in accordance with the procedure above.
You may retake the unsatisfactory final grade once. If you miss the resit, you are not entitled to another chance.
Additional test opportunity after supplementary or replacement test
If you miss a regular supplementary or replacement test, you will retake the course in a subsequent academic year. You are only eligible for additional test opportunity to repair your final grade if you meet the following criteria:
- You were unable to participate in the regular test due to illness or force majeure, and can provide proof of this.
- You cancelled in time for that test.
- You have participated in the regular reparation test (as the first test opportunity).
- You obtained a grade between 4.0 and 5.5 as your final grade for the course.
- You have fulfilled all effort obligations during the course.
If you would like to request additional test opportunity, or you have questions about this, please contact your study advisor during telephone consultation hours.
Utrecht University assigns grades on a 10-point scale: 1 is the lowest grade and 10 is the highest grade. On this page you will find more information about grades and results, including a table of final grades.
Rules for grading and results
- A 5 (or lower) counts as fail; a 6 (or higher) as pass.
- You will need a passing grade for all courses that are part of your degree programme in order to be able to graduate.
- Only passing grades are recorded on the International Diploma Supplement.
Final course grades
Final course grades are rounded off according to these rules:
From 5 tot 5.5 | Round off to 5 |
From 5.5 to 6.25 | Round off to 6 |
From 6.25 tot 6.75 | Round off to 6.5 |
From 6.75 to 7.25 | Round off to 7 |
From 7.25 to 7.75 | Round off to 7.5 |
From 7.75 to 8.25 | Round off to 8 |
From 8.25 to 8.75 | Round off to 8.5 |
From 8.75 to 9.25 | Round off to 9 |
From 9.25 to 9.75 | Round off to 9.5 |
From 9.75 to 10 | Round off to 10 |
Your UU grades abroad: grading tables
To help foreign universities interpret the value of our grades, we publish grading tables that show which percentage of all passing grades in the past 3 years were a 6.0, a 6.5, a 7.5, etc. The tables are published on your International Diploma Supplement.
An alphanumeric grade is assigned in the following cases:
- NP (Not Participated): You are registered for a course, but have not participated in any of the tests.
- NC (Not Completed): You are registered for a course, but have not completed one or more of the tests, or you have not passed a test with a required minimum grade.
- P (Pass) or F (Fail): You have taken part in a course for which no numerical grades are given.
- EX (EXemption): You have received an exemption for a course.
For each course, Osiris states the following information:
- which tests determine your final course grade
- how the result of each test factures in (weighing)
- whether or not you have to pass a minimum grade for a test
All test results can be entered in decimals. The final course result is rounded off.
Together with your diploma, you will receive an International Diploma Supplement (IDS). The IDS contains the following information:
- information about the name and level of your studies
- formal accreditation of your programme
- a list of your courses and grades (only passing grades are recorded on the IDS)
- a weighted average grade on the 10-point scale
At Utrecht University a weighted average grade is calculated by multiplying all numerical grades on the IDS with the credits obtained for that course, and by dividing this by the sum of credits. The average is built up gradually, and only the final average will be recorded on the International Diploma Supplement. Utrecht University includes grades obtained in the first year of studies in the calculation of the weighted average. - information on the grading system at Utrecht University including grading tables
More information
At Utrecht University, we expect a certain standard of both students and staff. Please read our Code of Conduct. Students at Utrecht University…
Behave honestly and respectfully towards each other and towards members of staff
Perform to the best of their abilities by actively participating in teaching and extracurricular activities
Respect each other’s possessions and are careful when making use of university facilities
Enable lecturers and students to teach and learn under optimal condition
Utrecht University considers any form of academic dishonesty to be a very serious offense. Utrecht University expects each student to be familiar with and to observe the norms and values that ensure academic integrity.The most serious forms of deception that can impair this integrity are fraud and plagiarism. Plagiarism is a form of fraud and is defined as the wrongful appropriation of another author’s work without proper citation. See the further elaboration on what may be considered fraud or plagiarism.
If the university discovers a case of fraud or plagiarism, then the study programme’s Examination Committee may implement sanctions on the offender. The most serious sanction that the Examination Committee may implement is the submission of a request for expulsion to the Executive Board.
If you feel you have not been treated properly by someone employed by Utrecht University, or if you disagree with a decision that affects you personally, you can respond in a number of ways. You can submit a complaint, an objection or an appeal.
For the full details about the various procedures and which procedure is applicable for your situation, visit Complaints, objections and appeals.
Utrecht University processes a substantial volume of personal data. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens) the university is responsible for ensuring that personal data is processed properly. Also see the Privacy Statement on the Utrecht University website.