
In the Humanities Honours Programme, you deepen your knowledge of your own Bachelor's field while broadening your horizon together with students from other Humanities disciplines.


The Humanities Honours Programme starts in the second academic year and consists of a total of 45 credits (EC). These credits are partly on top of your regular programme. As an honours student you graduate with (at least) 195 EC instead of 180 EC. The Humanities Honours Programme is multilingual. For students who do not have a sufficient command of Dutch, an English-language route is possible. 

Criteria for participation

  • Good academic qualifications, such as your study results and commitment 
  • A broad academic interest 
  • Initiative and creativity in deepening and broadening academic insight and skills
  • Willingness to look beyond the boundaries of your field of study
  • Enthusiasm for participating in and developing the HHP community

Honours information meetings

Are you interested in the Humanities Honours Programme? Please visit one of our honours information meetings. For dates and registration, please contact humanitieshonours@uu.nl

Selection procedure


1 May 2025

Sign up via

Osiris Student > Cases > My Cases

  • Start a new case by using the plus icon in the bottom right corner.
  • A new window will open. Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off for the new window to open.
  • Choose Honours > HUM: registration and selection Humanities Honours Programme.
Please apply with the following documents
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter of max 750 words
  • Representative piece of work 
  • Osiris printout of your transcript

Please make sure you are available in May for the interviews with the selection committee. If you are unsure whether the programme is the right fit for you, you can try out the  first course, or the first two courses. Please indicate this when you register. We look forward to receiving your application!

Study association Eureka

Eureka is the study association associated with the Humanities Honours Programme. Eureka organises fun and educational activities and helps you organising a (portfolio) activity.


Mail: bestuur@sveureka.nl
Website: SV Eureka


For prospective students and en general questions

Programme Coordinator Judith Lavrijssen via humanitieshonours@uu.nl

Honours Coordinators

Do you want to request an extra honours year?

Honours Director Frans Willem Lantink