Pre-Master's programme

Study programme

Your Pre-Master’s programme consists of courses from our BA Media and Culture programme, so you will be attending classes with first-, second- and third-year Bachelor’s students. Your individual curriculum is printed on the provisional admission letter you have received from your Master’s programme. The Humanities Student Information Desk will register you for all your courses. 

The course descriptions (including study materials) are available in the Course Planner. You can find your class schedule in MyTimetable. The lectures will be held in several different locations. For each course you will receive a course handbook, approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the course, with weekly schedules, assignments, excursion and course-specific regulations.

Bachelor’s final paper

In most cases, your Pre-Master’s programme will conclude with a Bachelor’s final paper. More information is available at the Media and Culture Bachelor’s website.

Practical information

The BA Media and Culture website provides information about:

Basic knowledge of information and computer technology is a prerequisite for the programme and will be tested. We have developed some ICT modules to help you train these skills.

Through the course descriptions, course handbook and Blackboard, you will be informed about specific rules that apply to the course: planning, attendance, excursions, examinations and resits, etc.

Pre-Master support

Have you just started a Pre-Master's programme and completed an HBO or a WO Bachelor's before that? If so, you might need some support. Check the Pre-Master support page for information on Pre-Master study groups, individual coaching and skills courses. 

Recommended for University of Applied Sciences (HBO) students: Are you interested in a course in Academic Studying, Academic English, Writing a Research Proposal or Academic Writing? If so, please take a look at the training courses offered by Utrecht University.


If you have any questions about for example planning your curriculum or about the progress of your studies, please contact the  Media en Cultuur Bachelor’s Study Advisor. You can may also visit your student advisor to discuss personal problems or issues that may affect the completion of your studies. If you have any questions about the content of your course, please contact your MA Programme Coordinator.

Study related activities

For fun or study related activities, you may contact the study association AKT.

Registering, course registration, costs and payment 

If you have any questions about registering for the Pre-Master’s programme, course registration or the costs and payment for contract students, please contact the Humanities Student Information Desk. For questions about re-registering for your Pre-Master’s programme, financial aid or the costs and payment, please contact Student Services.

Completing your Pre-Master's programme

Once you have fulfilled the requirements of your Pre-Master’s programme, please contact the Humanities Student Information Desk.