

We invite you to join our Alumni LinkedIn group, so we can stay in touch and keep each other informed about relevant job openings and activities. Feel free to subscribe:


After graduation you are a Utrecht University alumnus or alumna. You can join the Utrechts Universiteitsfonds (U-fonds, only in Dutch), our society for alumni. The Utrecht University Fund organises acitivities, subsidises student activities, awards scholarships and accolades, provides social support to students in financial need, establishes special professorships, and aids the university in its fundraising and sponsoring efforts. You can support the Utrecht University Fund by becoming a friend. 

Events Utrechts Universiteitsfonds

Some of the events the Utrechts Universiteitsfonds organises:

  • A special alumni event aound the Utrecht University's Anniversary Day (dies), 26 March, including workshops for young alumni
  • Refresher days & lectures in different cities in the Netherlands, during which alumni are informed of recent developments within their discipline and within Utrecht University.

View upcoming events in The Netherlands (in Dutch) and international events.

Alumni networks

If you wish to stay in touch with other alumni of Utrecht University, then there are several international students alumni networks you can take part in. Some Humanities programmes have their own alumni associations (Dutch).