Help with inappropriate behaviour

Are you experiencing inappropriate behaviour from persons within and around Utrecht University, such as sexual or verbal harassment, discrimination, aggression, violence or bullying? Or do you feel you have been treated unfairly by the university as an organisation? It is important to talk about it. Even if you see it happening to someone else.

Whom to contact?

On inappropriate behaviour of individuals within the UU
  • fellow student, tutor, lecturer or Study Advisor
  • Humanities Faculty contact person for inappropriate behaviour
  • UU confidential advisor
On inappropriate behaviour of the UU as an organisation
  • Ombuds Officer Students
  • Complaints coordinator

Inappropriate behaviour of individuals within the UU

Inappropriate behaviour of the UU as an organisation

Help from organisations outside UU

You can also contact organisations outside UU. The Humanities contact person for inappropriate behaviour can help you with this.

Do you want to learn more about social safety?

Want to learn more about what you can do when inappropriate situations arise or how to ensure a socially safe study and work environment? Try our Online Consent Matters module for Humanities students.

Go to Blackboard > My Communities > GW Consent Matters Module

UU also organizes training for student board members and confidential contact persons of study and student associations. If you qualify for this, you will be informed.

Social safety at UU

Utrecht University aims to provide a pleasant and safe study and working environment for all students and staff. We treat each other with respect. Social safety is an issue that requires ongoing attention from all of us. If we work together to create a socially safe UU, we can prevent the continuation and normalisation of inappropriate behaviour. 

More about social safety at UU