
Internship Conflict Studies and Human Rights

When you opt for an internship you will, in addition to producing an academic Master's thesis, also be expected to write an internship report. Moreover, the subject area of the internship must be clearly relevant and linked to the Master's thesis topic. Ideally, your internship provides you with empirical data upon which you base your Thesis project in study period 4.

The organisation where you intend to undertake an internship must be in the field of Conflict and/or Human Rights. You arrange the internship yourself. Examples of organisations are CARE, INCORE, PAX, Cordaid, UNDP, War Child, Permanent Mission to the UN in New York, UNCHR, Embassies and Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs, but also smaller, local NGOS 'in the field' (ranging from Kampala, Paris, Sarajevo, Belfast, Beirut to Pristina and Guatemala City). When you choose to do your internship abroad, please read the general information under the header 'Internship abroad' on this page.

At the end of the internship, you must write an internship report. The internship report is the basis for the supervising lecturers' final assessment. For details of what you need to include in the report, please consult the Student Guide and the evaluation forms as described below. Please note: internships at Conflict Studies and Human Rights are graded Pass/Fail. Assessment is conducted using a standard assessment form and its appendix:

Why do an internship?

The general objective of the internship is to 'learn by doing' through engaging with professional practice in the field of CS&HR. Representing a perfect chance to put academic theory into working practice, an internship not only serves as a vital link between academic study and the labour market, it is also the perfect opportunity to better come to grips with your talents, skills and abilities and to explore the practical value of your university education. Internships offer many other advantages, including:

  • Invaluable practical experience. Gained, for instance, from taking part in an actual selection procedure or the daily operations of a company.
  • Increased appeal of your CV. Previous working experience is a great way to draw the eye of prospective employers. 
  • Better employment prospects. After graduation, many students work for their former internship provider.
  • New networking contacts. These will benefit you both during your studies and after graduation.

General HUM Step-by-step plan and forms - (Research) Master's internship

The steps below will help you prepare for your internship and show you the required documents per step. Please read these carefully together with the detailed HUM Internship manual – (Research) Master’s (pdf), which includes important information on finding an internship, internships abroad, writing the internship work plan, registering in Osiris, supervision, keeping a logbook and writing the final report and evaluation.

More information

Programme Coordinator

If you want to know more, or if you have any questions about internships, contact your Programme Coordinator.

Internship Office

You can contact the Internship Office Humanities for practical questions regarding doing an internship and handing in internship documents.