
Students are strongly encouraged to take an internship in the programme in order to a) explore future career options and gain valuable work experience, b) improve and demonstrate meaningful application of their knowledge and skills in applied ethics in practice, and c) develop a professional network of future employment.

In previous years, students of the Master's programme Applied Ethics have fulfilled internships at, for example: Triodos Bank, municipalities, The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Council for Animal Affairs, The Embassy of the Netherlands in London, and at various NGOs and political parties.

More information and support

In most cases, students organise their own internship, if needed with support from the Internship Coordinator and teaching staff, who have a broad network in government departments, companies and NGOs, and public institutions. Given the time needed to organise an internship, it is essential to think and decide about this early in the programme (October). You will be invited to an information session to learn more. For more information please consult Internship Coordinator Bé Mijland or the Programme Coordinator.

If you want to go abroad for an internship, view Going abroad.

Internship products and assessment

You will complete the internship with an internship report and an internship product (e.g. research report or policy piece). The reports will be assessed and graded by your supervising lecturer. They will use the following documents:

General HUM Step-by-step plan and forms - (Research) Master's internship

The steps below will help you prepare for your internship and show you the required documents per step. Please read these carefully together with the detailed HUM Internship manual – (Research) Master’s (pdf), which includes important information on finding an internship, internships abroad, writing the internship work plan, registering in Osiris, supervision, keeping a logbook and writing the final report and evaluation.


With questions about your internship you can go to your Coordinator Career Orientation and the Internship Office.

Portretfoto van Bé Mijland: een wit persoon met baard en bril, kort haar en een auberginekleurig overhemd

Coordinator Career Orientation

Bé Mijland

What can your Coordinator Career Orientation help you with?

find an internship • set up an internship • process an internship • complete an internship • think along about possible career paths and the steps you can take

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