Master's thesis
Your thesis is the final straw in your master's programme, which takes place in periods 3 and 4 of the second year. The writing of your thesis coincides with the compulsory course Thesis Lab.
Thesis topics from the past
> Tochmarc Momera: an edition and translation, with introduction
> Fulfilling one's purpose: reproduction and female agency in classical Attica
> The public administration of the Merovingian kingdoms in the sixty century
> The Language of Sir John Fortescue: a critical discourse analysis approach to fifteenth-century polemical works
The central research question should be clearly formulated at the beginning and its relevance to scholarly discussions within the discipline set out. The body of the text should show how you went about trying to answer this question, why you proceeded the way you did, and what your findings were. In your conclusion you should analyze your findings in the light of your original question and explain the broader implications of your conclusions.
The thesis should be written in correct and clear English. The thesis will generally be around 25.000 words long, and is not allowed to exceed 30.000 words (including notes and bibliography but excluding attachments).
The thesis will be assessed and graded by the supervisor and by a second assessor who has not been involved in the supervision. The Programme Coordinator appoints the second assessor.
Forms and procedures master's thesis
Your Master's thesis will be assessed following specific evaluation procedures. You can prepare for this by reading the following documents and explanations prior to starting your thesis.