De Vagant

Space for spontaneous meetings and organised activities, for students and by students.

Vagant committee

De nieuwe commissie van De Vagant voor 2024-2025, staand voor het gebouw van De Vagant.
FLTR: Sofiia, Narges, Yejun, Catarina

The Vagant is run by a student committee. They make sure the Vagant is a nice place to be; organise regular activities you can join for free as a student; and help take care of the building. The Vagant committee 2024-2025 consists of:

  • Chair + Management & Policy Officer: Catarina Leal Agostinho
  • Secretary + Internal Communication Officer: Yejun Jung
  • Activities & Finances Officer: Sofiia Gromosiak
  • Activities & Promotion Officer: Narges Geravand

Want to keep up to date with activities at the Vagant? Follow the Instagram or Uni-Life. Have a question, idea, comment or fan mail? Then email


Want to organise an activity in De Vagant? You can book is via the Self-Service Portal (Topdesk). Please read the booking terms and house rules carefully in advance.

The house rules and booking terms have been updated per February 2023.

Read the booking terms
Read the house rules
Book the Vagant
De Vagant,

Meeting places by, for and by students

We want you to feel welcome at the university. Social bonding and meeting up are important. Therefore, additional venues are opened to make this possible. Besides De Vagant, this is the Parnassos Cultuurcafé.

Do you have questions or just a good idea you want to share? Contact De Vagant's student committee at

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