Workshop 'Mindfulness'

Mindfulness means to give attention to what occurs from moment to moment, without judgement. It is a skill in attention and in attitude (open observation) that can be learned with exercises. Scientific research shows that mindfulness is related to positive personal well-being.

Most of the time your attention is not in the present moment and you act on automatic patterns. How often do you do a routine while your mind is occupied with things from the past or future? Being attentive to the present moment can give more calmness and better concentration.

During this training (also called "attention training") you will learn what mindfulness means, get acquainted with it through various exercises and learn how to integrate the mental attitude of mindfulness into your daily life. It is therefore important that participants do a daily practice outside the training. This way you get the most from the training.

Please note that this is a short-term introductory Mindfulness training. For a formal and full-fledged mindfulness training (minimum 8 weeks), it is recommended that you look outside of Utrecht University, such as at the Center for Mindfulness or the Mindfulness Factory.

For who?

UU-students who fret/worry a lot, experience stress and/or have difficulty concentrating.


6 sessions, 1,5 hours per session

Where and when

Location to be announced. As a pilot we will offer this training in English. If there is sufficient interest we may offer it repeatedly.


One-time 25 euros for the intake interview




An intake with a student psychologist is required beforehand. Make an appointment for an intake. In the intake we will discuss whether attention training is an appropriate step for you.