Meditation Lab

Study phase: 
Bachelor, Master, Premaster
Study method: 
Time investment: 
Several sessions
Free of charge

Join the weekly Student Meditation

Starting 19 September, it will once again be possible to meditate live with a group of students every Thursday from 17.15 -18.00 in the Ruppertbuilding, room 1.25 This is facilitated by students.
You can simply drop by, but you have any questions or want the latest updates, please sign up for the app group Student Meditation by using this link.

Students report it is stimulating to meditate with a group, even when it's online. This promotes attention and is a good addition to meditation on your own and/or with an app. During each session we will do one or two meditations, and there is also room to ask questions or exchange experiences. The meditation sessions are in English.

Experiences from students

Zen meditation beginners course

From December 2024 we will be offering a Zen meditation beginners course with 4 sessions from the Meditation Lab. Do you want to learn or practice Zen meditation? Are you looking to establish more consistency in your meditation practice, to build a routine? Are you seeking more guidance or depth? Would you like to meet other students who also meditate? To inspire each other in this journey? Then this course might be for you.

Click here for more information and sign up

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