E-learning - Compass

Study phase: 
Bachelor, Master, Premaster
Study method: 
Time investment: 
One session
English, Dutch
Free of charge

The online training course Compass will teach you the basics of searching for, getting access to, managing, referring to and using scientific information. After completing Compass, which takes about two hours, you will have a good basis in information literacy skills to get started with your assignment or thesis.

Topics that will be discussed:
The training course consists of four modules, each taking about 30 minutes. You can either take the entire course or work through each of these modules separately:

  • Finding and accessing information
  • Setting up your search
  • Evaluating your sources
  • Saving and using sources

There is also a Dutch version available.

You can also find the Compass+ trainings here: 

You will earn a badge for each completed module. When you finish the entire training course, you will receive a super badge. With this badge you can show that you have successfully completed Compass whenever it is required for a course. Badges remain valid for the entire academic year.

In addition to Compass, you can work on your information skills with the LibGuides of the university library. These online guides are partly general/for all courses of study and partly focused on a specific subject area. The LibGuides are also available in Dutch

Provider: Utrecht University Library

Online training - Compass
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