Coaching - Study coaching
- Study phase:
- Bachelor, Master, Premaster
- Study method:
- Individually
- Time investment:
- One session
- Language:
- English, Dutch
- Costs:
- Free of charge
You discuss with a trained student (peer tutor) any questions you have about studying. The study coach can help you, for example, in planning your study and with your time management, how you can read and study efficiently or how you can prepare for your exams. This can help to reduce study stress and increase your enjoyment of your studies.
Our free study coaching is offered all year round and it is easy to make an appointment online.
Brief content of the tutoring:
- Study planning/time management
- Strategies for reading and studying
- Setting priorities
- Procastination
- Motivation
- Exam preparation
This session is demand-driven (you decide what you want to discuss), it lasts 45 minutes and it is possible to plan a follow up meeting (with a maximum of 5 sessions per writing assignment).
Course provider: Skills Lab
Coaching - Writing tutoring
In an accessible 45-minute conversation a trained writing tutor helps guide you towards a better essay, paper or thesis.
Course - Smart Study Strategies
This course provides insight into your preferred study methods, and the advantages and disadvantages inherent in those methods.
Workshop - Effective Reading Strategies
In this workshop, we're going to take a look at strategies and tricks that will help you wade through all of your required reading and help you up to speed.
Workshop - Exam Preparation
In this workshop you will learn what you can do to effectively prepare for your exams.
Workshop - Smart Study Skills
In this workshop we are going to explore what effective learning strategies are and how you can keep your focus.
Workshop - Time management for studies
Would you like to get a better grip on your studies and time management? Then this is the workshop for you.