Programme courses

You can enrol for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences courses via the course registration page on the GSLS Students' Site. If you are looking for other courses outside your Master's programme, visit the GSLS Course overview page

Check the overview of courses relevant per track below.

1 EC = 28 hours of education

  • OP = optional for students from other programmes
  • 1/2, 2/2, et cetera indicates whether a course is taught multiple times a year
  • TBD = to be determined; start/end date will follow at a later time point

For extra details click on the course title to see all information. MyTimetable offers a detailed schedule per course.

Name courseStart dateEnd dateECOP*
Concepts in Science for Life (SK-MCSL)Sep. 9Sep. 172No
Introduction in Biophysics and Molecular Imaging (SK-MIBMI)Sep. 18Sep. 201Yes
Molecules & Cells (SK-MCMC)Sep. 23Oct. 43Yes
Plant Microbe Interactions (B-MEPMI)Sep. 23Oct. 43Yes
Biophysics & Molecular Imaging (SK-MCBMI)Oct. 7Oct. 183Yes
Genes to Organisms (B-MCG2O)Oct. 7Oct. 183Yes
Plant Environment Interactions (B-MPEI)Oct. 7Oct. 183Yes
Virology (BMB430006)Oct. 7Oct. 183Yes
Research in Intracellular Processes and Cell Organisation (SK-INTRAPR)Oct. 21Nov. 13No
Applied Plant Biology (B-MEAPB)Oct. 21Nov. 84.5Yes
Biotechnology (B-MBITEC)Oct. 21Nov. 85Yes
Protein BiophysicsNov. 4Nov. 81.5Yes
Microbial Genomics (B-MBIMIGE)Nov. 11Nov. 294.5Yes
Cell Mechanobiology and Engineering -TU/e (BMB504016)Nov. 11Jan. 315Yes
Advanced Microscopy (NS-EX423M)Nov. 11Feb. 37.5Yes
Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics (B-MBIEG06)Dec. 9Dec. 203Yes
Structural Bioinformatics & Modelling (SK-MCBIM21)Jan. 13Jan. 314.5Yes
Gene Expression, Epigenetics and Disease (BMB509413)Jan. 20Jan. 313Yes
Applied Cryo-Electron Microscopy (SK-MCACEM)Feb. 3Mar. 73Yes
Toy Models (BETA-MTOYM)Feb. 3Apr. 187.5Yes
Chemical Biology (FA-450)Mar. 10Apr. 187.5Yes
Integrative Structural Biology (SK-MCISB)Mar. 10Mar. 284.5Yes
Analytics and Algorithms for Omics Data (BMB508219)Mar. 17Mar. 283Yes
Light Microscopy (B-MLMIC19)Mar. 31Apr. 113Yes
Developmental Genetics (BMB506508)Apr. 14Apr. 181.5Yes
Design of Anti-Infective Drugs (DI-FA-442)Apr. 22May 306Yes
Introduction to Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (SK-MBAPBMS)May 12May 151.5Yes