Complex Systems profile


The term complex systems refers to systems with many interacting particles in which the properties of the whole typically do not follow in a simple manner from the properties of these individual particles. Examples of complex systems are the world wide web, economic markets, societies, traffic, climate but also the brain, ecosystems, epidemics and many other biological systems. The Complex Systems profile offers students in the life sciences the possibility to gain the skill set needed to get grip on complex issues in the life sciences by using a modelling approach (33 EC or 45 EC including extension with electives).

This profile prepares students for a (research) career in the life sciences. They learn how to get grip on complex societal issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will obtain an understanding of the various modelling approaches used in the complexity field and the dynamics (i.e. transitions, predictability) that play an important role in complex systems. Students participate in core courses, advanced and in-depth courses as well as a research project of 18 EC or 33 EC in case of extending the profile with electives.

For more information, you can look at the Complex Systems website or contact the Complex Systems profile coordinator: Kirsten ten Tusscher.

Please note: Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity students can not choose the Complex Systems profile.