Curriculum outline
The basic outline for the GSLS Master’s programmes is essentially the same. It facilitates interdisciplinary relationships in scientific disciplines and programmes. As indicated below, the study programme comprises a total of 120 EC.
Components of the Bio Inspired Innovation programme:
The major research project is the most important part of your studies. During this internship you will be part of a research team and learn how to design and execute experiments and how to report research outcomes.
You can choose one of the following research themes to do your major research project:
- Fungal Biology (microbiology)
- Ecology
- Molecular Plant Physiology
- Plant Eco Physiology
It is possible to deviate from these research themes, please discuss the possibilities with the programme coordinator.
As part of your study programme you have to select a profile. There is a choice of 9 different profiles with the aim of focusing your education in a specific direction. These include profiles with a research project component and a flexible curriculum, profiles with a more set course-list and assignments, and profiles that are a mix of the two.
For more information visit the GSLS-page Profiles.
The theoretical course (7.5 EC) in year 1 deals with multi-disciplinary innovation, business modelling, and joint design.
The second year of the Master’s programme starts with the course Advanced Bio-Inspired Design dealing with biomimicry and other design and innovation methods.
The elective component gives you the possibility to create your personal profile. You can follow education to grow competencies or skills of your own choosing - whether these are more research, academic, or soft skills.
For more information visit the GSLS page Elective component.
You will write a review presenting a literature overview including a discussion/evaluation of hypotheses and a personal view. Alternatively, you write a research proposal using the format of the open programme of NOW-ALW.
For more information visit the GSLS-page Writing assignment.
The Life Sciences Academy (BMB509718, GSLS-ACAD) is a compulsory 3-part module of 1.5 EC in total. This module is a combination of courses, workshops, seminars, and career events designed to cover all aspects of academic education and to acquaint you with a wide range of life sciences-related topics. Moreover, special focus is put on giving a comprehensive overview of the different choices you can make, both in terms of study components and personal development opportunities, but also to prepare you for your upcoming entry into the job market.
For more information visit the GSLS-page Life Sciences Academy.