Advice and counselling

Would you like to know more about getting advice and/or counselling from professionals within the GSLS and UU? Then you found the right spot! Whether you would like to develop new academic skills (e.g. learn more about statistics or boost your writing skills), receive coaching, or talk to someone confidentially about personal matters that hamper your studies, the School and university offer many options which you can find in the “Where do I go” wheel below.

Firstly, we list five primary contacts for advice and counselling. Questions related to the content of your programme can be discussed with your programme coordinator, whereas issues concerning planning or personal circumstances affecting your studies can be taken up with your academic counsellor. For advice specifically for your research project and writing assignments you can contact the research project coordinators. Besides that, you can also contact a coach to guide you to your personal development goals and discover the freedom to navigate your studies and life in a way that suits you. For advice on how to pursue your career and find the right job after your studies, have a look at what career services offers you.

Utrecht University has developed its own interactive guidance circle where you can find even more University-broad contacts, such as Student Services, which can help you with practical matters regarding tuition fees, enrolment, housing, or Visa issues.