About the GSLS
The 21st century could be described as the century of the Life Sciences: research is unravelling the great questions about life, health, disease and development.
New, fundamental insights will lead to new clinical research and treatments, new medicines, and new policy in the field of nutrition and health. Since Utrecht University wishes to maintain its position as a leading European research university, it established six Graduate Schools in 2005, including the Graduate School of Life Sciences. This school combines all the training in the Masters and PhD research programmes in Life Sciences at Utrecht University.
Interdisciplinary research and training
Research at the GSLS is highly interdisciplinary. Breakthroughs occur where physics, medicine, chemistry, pharmacy and biology interact. A traditional faculty structure with classic mono-disciplinary degrees such as biology, chemistry and medicine is no longer appropriate. The GSLS aims to train Master’s students and PhD candidates to engage in independent research in a multidisciplinary setting. So, the GSLS brings together the research expertise and facilities of the Faculty of Medicine (University Medical Center Utrecht), the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and the Faculty of Science for this purpose. The school has been structured along the lines of thematic, interdisciplinary programmes that correspond to the focus areas adopted by Utrecht University in this area.

Would you like to know more about the GSLS? Listen to the first episode of the Radio Life Sciences podcast for an interview with the director of the GSLS, prof. dr. Harold van Rijen.
Are you looking for information about the GSLS PhD programmes? Please visit the GSLS PhD website.