Board of Examiners
Requests to the Board of Examiners can be submitted via Osiris > Cases.
The Board of Examiners decides among other things on elective courses, exemptions, adjustments to your study programme or postponement of graduation. Should you need advice first or do you have questions about your request, please contact your Study Advisor or Student Affairs.
After logging in your details and study programme automatically appear in Osiris. Click Cases > Start a new case > 02. Request Board of Examiners > choose GEO Submitting a request to the Board of Examiners. Describe clearly and completely in which matter you need a decision. If applicable, upload documents in pdf (for example, a description of an elective course, or proof of a result obtained elsewhere).
The secretaries to the board will review your request after you have submitted it through Osiris. You will be updated through Osiris and your UU student email. Your request will be processed as soon as possible within the statutory period of six weeks. The board’s decision will be displayed and saved in Osiris.
The Board of Examiners is responsible for implementing the exam policy of the programme. The board members are:
Earth Sciences
- S.M. Hassanizadeh (chair)
- Dr. F.J. Hilgen
- Dr. H. Paulssen
- Dr. G. Sterk
- Prof.dr. F. Wagner-Cremer
- Dr. A.A. de Ronde (advisor)
- I.C.J.M. Beekman (secretary)
Environmental Sciences
- prof. dr. ir. Max Rietkerk (chair)
- prof. dr. M. Gibescu (member)
- dr. A. Peine (member)
- dr. W. Vermeulen (member)
- drs. L. van Koningsbrugge (secretary)
The chairpersons of the Board are also member of the Faculty of Geosciences’s Board of Examiners. This board is responsible for exam policy. The members supervise how the policy is put into effect and the quality of the decisions made.