
Cities are breeding grounds for innovation and economic growth. Many people still move to cities to pursue their dreams, in addition to local residents, large numbers of tourists visit them in search of an entertaining stay. Continuous urban growth can lead to several challenges and inequalities. During the one-year Master’s programme Urban and Economic Geography, you learn how urban and economic issues are interwoven and gain the academic training needed to identify possible solutions for (future) challenges in urban regions.

Cities and urban regions: opportunities and concerns

Urban regions are dynamic places where people get together and generate new ideas. They are breeding grounds for innovation and economic growth. However, this urban growth in an increasingly global economy has both winners and losers. On the one hand, there are start-ups that expand to become large companies. While on the other hand, there are traditional companies that succumb to global competition. How can we explain success and failure?

Urban growth also leads to a great diversity of people and lifestyles, which ensure thriving communities. Yet there are also places and neighbourhoods where spatial and social inequalities between communities become visible. You will learn to analyse the dynamics of how a variety of people use and experience a diversity of spaces within cities.

As a student of the Urban and Economic Geography Master’s, you will study the city and its economic, social and cultural developments from various academic perspectives and thematic angles, with an interdisciplinary approach.

An international focus

The Urban and Economic Geography programme has an international character. We welcome students from around the world into the programme. This ensures you are provided with the opportunity to come into contact with other cultures and national contexts. You will go on an international fieldtrip and can complete your Master's thesis project and/or internship abroad. You will be able to find work in many fields, positions, and locations following graduation.

Programme objective

This Master’s programme gives you a thorough understanding of important urban and economic issues. You will receive comprehensive training in the methodological and critical analytical skills needed to find possible solutions for challenges in urban regions. Working from a scientific and theoretical foundation, you come into contact with the daily practice. Through guest lectures and practical assignments (active learning), you will learn what graduates do and be able to determine where you would be most at home.