Career prospects
Are you enthusiastic about geography and do you like to share your knowledge with other people? Consider to become a geography teacher.
Master in teaching
The best way to do so is to follow the one-year Master’s programme Leraar voorbereidend hoger onderwijs (in Dutch), after finishing your current Master’s programme. This will grant you a first degree teaching qualification for secondary education. That means you will be able to work in the upper and lower years of vmbo, havo, and vwo in the Netherlands. There are entry requirements. You need to have a broad geographical knowledge, especially in physical and human geography. If you have any deficiencies, it would be wise to repair them before you finish your Master’s programme. To do so, you can make use of a special offer of e-modules.
These e-modules are available on Blackboard. You’ll take a module in a standard teaching period. Every week has it own learning aims. Your self-tuition will be supported by knowledge clips and lectures. You’ll stay in contact with your lecturers and fellow students on a platform on Blackboard. In principle, you’ll take the courses within your exam programme. The e-modules are in Dutch.
GEO1-1191E Systeem aarde 1
- Fysische geografie
- Niveau 1
- Blok 1
- 5 EC
In dit eerste deel van Systeem aarde ligt de nadruk op processen in de inwendige aarde (endogene krachten) en fenomenen die zich afspelen op een langere tijdschaal. De belangrijkste onderdelen zijn: de aarde als planeet, plaattektoniek, de geologische tijd, (sedimentaire) gesteenten en paleoklimaat, de gesteentecyclus en de diepe aarde. Je kunt deze cursus niet volgen als je de reguliere cursus Systeem aarde 1 volgt of hebt gevolgd.
GEO1-4192E Systeem aarde 2
- Fysische geografie
- Niveau 1
- Blok 2
- 7,5 EC
In het tweede deel van Systeem aarde komen onderwerpen aan bod die betrekking hebben op de vormen en processen aan het aardoppervlak (exogene krachten). Deze onderwerpen zijn: verwering en bodemvorming, massabewegingen, rivieren, oceanen, kusten, atmosfeer en klimaat, woestijnen, gletsjers, ijstijden, structurele geomorfologie, hydrologische cyclus, menselijke verstoring en klimaatverandering. Je kunt deze cursus niet volgen als je de reguliere cursus Systeem aarde 2 volgt of hebt gevolgd.
GEO2-3064E Leefomgeving - Watervraagstukken
- Fysische geografie
- Niveau 2
- Blok 4
- 5 EC
Deze cursus richt zich op watervraagstukken in Nederland, met een focus op de kustzone, het veenweide-droogmakerijengebied, het rivierengebied, de Zuidwestelijke delta en het IJsselmeergebied. Deze watervraagstukken zijn te groeperen in verschillende waterthema’s. De nadruk ligt op waterveiligheid, wateroverlast en zoetwaterbeschikbaarheid. Waterkwaliteit komt in mindere mate aan bod. Om een zinnige uitspraak te kunnen doen over deze vraagstukken, is kennis van de fysische werking van het watersysteem in de verschillende regio’s vereist. Daarnaast is kennis van klimaatverandering in Nederland vereist. In deze cursus is daarom ook enige aandacht voor deze onderwerpen.
GEO2-3062E Zuid Amerika
- Fysische geografie
- Niveau 2
- Blok 3
- 7,5 EC. De gehele cursus telt voor 5 EC SG en 2,5 EC FG, maar studenten kunnen ook alleen het FG deel doen.
De cursus is opgebouwd rondom acht thema’s in de Zuid-Amerikaanse context. Elke week staat er één thema centraal dat belicht wordt vanuit een fysisch, politiek, sociaal of economisch oogpunt. Door de e-lectures te bekijken en het lezen van de (inter)nationale literatuur doe je je kennis op. Aan het eind van elke week wordt het thema afgesloten met een aantal reflectievragen (via Blackboard).
GEO3-3063E Wereld
- Sociale geografie
- Niveau 3
- Blok 2
- 7,5 EC
Globalisering is een belangrijk fenomeen als we kijken naar economische, sociale, politieke en culturele veranderingen in onze tijd. Elke dag hebben we hiermee te maken. Lokaal en globaal zijn steeds met elkaar verbonden. Concreet komt dat aan de orde bij ons voedsel, onze kleding en onze elektronisch apparatuur. De e-module gaat over globalisering (in geografisch perspectief), de achterliggende economische, politieke en sociaal-culturele processen, de impact van wereldsteden, en het mondiale voedselvraagstuk. Je kunt deze cursus niet volgen als je de reguliere cursus Globalisation (GEO3-3413) volgt of hebt gevolgd.
GEO2-3062E Zuid-Amerika
- Fysische geografie en sociale geografie
- Niveau 2
- Blok 3
- 7,5 studiepunt (2,5 FG en 5 SG)
Vanaf 2017 zal domein D (ontwikkelingsgebied) in de aardrijkskundesyllabus gaan over Zuid-Amerika (voor VWO; havo focust op Brazilië). De e-module Zuid-Amerika heeft een thematische insteek en kent zowel sociaal als fysisch geografische inhoud. Enkele thema’s die je zult uitdiepen zijn: beeldvorming, landschappen en klimaat, internationale migratie, stedelijke ontwikkeling, samenwerking in Zuid-Amerika, en Brazilië als BRIC land.
GEO2-3065E Leefomgeving - Stedelijke vraagstukken
- Sociale geografie
- Niveau 2
- Blok 4
- 5 EC
Deze cursus richt zich op stadsontwikkeling in Nederland en welke gevolgen stadsontwikkelingen heeft. De cursus focust zich op het ruimtelijk beleid van de Randstad dat er op is gericht deze regio internationaal te laten concurreren met andere grootstedelijke gebieden (Structuur visie 2040). Het proces van stedelijke planning is complex, onder andere als gevolg van de dynamiek in economie, politiek en wetenschap. Er spelen belangrijke vraagstukken rondom duurzaamheid, leefbaarheid en werken. Dit vraagt om gedachtevorming over de stad van de toekomst.
You can enrol for an e-module with this application form.
If you have any questions, please send an email to
The Alumnitool on LinkedIn can help you gain insight into possible careers after you finish your degree. It can also help you get in contact with an alumnus or alumna of your degree programme or other programmes. Nearly all graduates have a LinkedIn profile and can answer questions about your future career. They’re often more than happy to share their experiences with you. The video belows explains how the alumnitool works, and how you can use search criteria to find career information that is relevant to you.
Would you like to know more about how you can use LinkedIn to expand your network and put the new information into practice straight away? Take the LinkedIn workshop from Career Services. The workshop Exploring the job market & networking is also useful if you'd like to improve your networking skills, using LinkedIn and other ways.
The Urban Geography Master’s programme provides students with an excellent training for a career in research, policymaking, consultancy, and project development. The versatility and complexity of the urban issues studied means that urban geographers are employable in a diversity of professional fields, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Regular labour market monitors reveal that since the year 2005 (so, including the impact of the economic crisis) on average 75% of our graduates have found a job within two months. For students that have been graduated for 12 months, this number rises up to 94% on average. Most of these graduates then also have found a full-time as well as a fixed position.
The division of our graduates over public and private organisations is about fifty-fifty which implies that they are successful in getting a job in both types of organisation.
Graduates in the Urban Geography Master's programme have for example found jobs at:
- Bureau Stedelijke Planning
- Companen
- Gemeente Amsterdam, Bureau Onderzoek en Statistiek en Dienst Wonen, Zorg en Samenleven
- Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Directoraat-generaal Wonen en Bouwen
- Multi Corporation
- Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving
- Planterra
- Portaal
- Royal Haskoning DHV
- Urban Resort
The knowledge and skills acquired via the Urban Geography Master's programme have made our graduates successful in careers in a wide range of public and private organisations, including:
- government ministries;
- provincial and local authorities;
- private consultancies;
- research agencies;
- housing associations;
- project developers;
- the business sector; and
- universities.
- From junior to senior consultant on public space and citizen participation at a private research agency
- From policy advisor on traffic and transportation at a local authority to an urban development and mobility advisor at an international consultancy
- From project coordinator on neighbourhood restructuring at a housing association to freelance advisor on housing and neighbourhood development
- From junior researcher to research director at an international development and management office for retail real estate
- From researcher and advisor on the housing market at a private consultancy to policy advisor on sustainable living and building at a national Ministry
The Master's in Urban Geography programme prepares students adequately for PhD research. Many of our graduates were successful in attaining a competitive PhD position and research fellowship.
Our graduates have been successful in finding challenging and interesting jobs. Here are some inspiring examples:
- Marije Poel, Consultant Urban Development and Transport, Royal Haskoning
Royal Haskoning DHV is an independent, international engineering and project management consultancy working on the sustainable development of communities. Marije works as a consultant in the field of urban development and transport - including the accessibility of cities, airports and attractions -, with an expertise in public transport. - Mattijs Letteboer, Advisor Research & Strategy, Housing Corporation Arnhem
Housing Corporation Arnhem contributes to good and affordable housing and the development of attractive neighbourhoods in the city of Arnhem. Mattijs researches housing preferences, housing budgets and residential satisfaction and formulates advice on housing market (services) and housing stock positioning. - Janneke van der Werf, Consultant Public Space, PLAN terra
PLAN terra is a consultancy agency for public space making a connection between the technical world of maintaining roads and streetlights and the perception of inhabitants and visitors. Janneke’s work includes things like implementing participation of inhabitants in the maintenance of public space, realizing strategic policy for public space development and project management. - Gijs Foeken, Consultant Retail and Leisure, Bureau Stedelijke Planning
Bureau Stedelijke Planning does market research on urban planning and the design of new towns and (downtown) commercial areas contributing to sustainable spatial-economic development. Gijs work focuses on the changing importance of location and the interplay between urban space and human behavior which are more prominent in retail than in any other economic activity. - Rosa Rimmelzwaan, Spatial Developer, de Alliantie
De Alliantie aims to provide good and affordable housing for inhabitants that cannot afford private housing and strives for neighbourhoods that tenants feel responsible for. Rosa makes visions and plans to improve neighbourhoods in consultation with residents, the municipality and other parties like for example architects.
Upon completion of your current Master's degree programme, you can follow a one-year (Dutch language) teacher training programme. This will grant you a first degree teaching qualification for secondary education. That means you will be able to work in the upper and lower years of vmbo, havo, and vwo in the Netherlands.
Take a look at UU's Master's degree programme selection site.
Are you considering starting your own business? Now is a good time to prepare. Utrecht University can offer you a number of opportunities to explore entrepreneurship.
You could, for instance, take electives from Master's degree programmes that cover entrepreneurship in their curriculums:
- If you’re interested in becoming an expert at creating the prerequisites for running a successful business, take an elective at the Master’s programme Business Development and Entrepreneurship of Utrecht School of Economics.
- If you have a background in Economics and Business, and wish to do a Master’s programme in Entrepreneurship: check out the Master’s programme Business Development and Entrepreneurship.
- If you have a background in Science or Medicine, you can take classes Science and Business Management classes.
- If you're interested in sustainable business practices and sustainable innovation, take an elective at Sustainable Business and Innovation.
The Utrecht Center for Entrepreneurship (CE) also organises Spring schools, Summer schools, Winter schools, Honours classes and short seminars on entrepreneurship for non-Dutch students. All courses are offered in English except when the entire group is Dutch.
Would you like to run a business while still at university? Do you want to graduate on running your own business? StudentsInc (Dutch language website) is home to a number of student businesses and offers programmes to develop your entrepreneurial skills.
Have you (nearly) graduated and do you want to start a business? UtrechtInc is the place to find financing, office space, expertise and coaching. UtrechtInc is there for
- starting entrepreneurs and alumni, doctoral candidates, and researchers (preferably from Utrecht University, Hogeschool Utrecht, UMC Utrecht)
- who are still in the ideas phase OR further along (less than five years) and have
- and have a (IT) start-up focusing on health, environmental sustainability, or education.
Would you like to know more? Visit the UtrechtInc site, register your idea, and drop by for a cup of coffee.
Would you like to know whether entrepreneurship is right for you? Are you driven, socially conscious, and ambitious? Are you willing to spend a year working on a business for at least 8 hours a week? Enactus Utrecht (Dutch language website) offers you the opportunity to run a business and provides workshops and professional coaching.
Useful links
- Register at the Chambers of Commerce.
- You can read about all the other things you need to take care of on the Revenue Service (Belastingdienst) website.
- Join relevant groups on LinkedIn to share knowledge online and expand your network.
- Will you run an especially sustainable, innovative, and/or internationally oriented business? The Netherlands Enterprise Agency can support you with subsidies, knowledge, regulation, and more.
When you complete your Master's degree programme, if you enjoy doing research in your area of expertise, perhaps you should pursue a PhD. You will start out as a research assistant or trainee research worker. Check the two-years Master's Programmes of Utrecht University.
The best way to find a research traineeship is to contact the professor in the field you want to specialise in. Another option would be
If you'd like to pursue a PhD at Utrecht University, your PhD programme will fall under the auspices of one of the Graduate Schools. For more information, consult the Prout | PhD Network Utrecht website.