Orientation programme
Welcome to your Master’s programme!
During the orientation you will meet your fellow students and future lecturers, and get acquainted with the study programme itself. You will also receive information about practical matters that will come in handy during your studies.
Last updated: 13 January 2025
Orientation programme
Master International Development Studies (IDS)
Welcome to your Master’s programme!
Your orientation programme will take place on September 1 2025 from 13:15 - 18:00
13.15 - 15.15
Location: to be announced
You will:
- meet your fellow students and lecturers
- get acquainted with the programme and the department
- receive information on practical matters needed during your studies.
15.30 - 18.00
Location: to be announced
Together with all other Master programmes Human Geography and Spatial Planning
- Awarding Marc de Smidt Thesis Prize 2024
The Stogo foundation awards annually the Marc de Smidt thesis prize to the author of the best master thesis, of graduates of the department Human Geography & Planning. Students of the MA programmes Human Geography, Spatial Planning, International Development Studies, GIMA and the Urban and Economic Geography research master can all compete for this award.
The prize is named after Professor Marc de Smidt (1941-1992), one of the founders of the Stogo foundation and professor Economic Geography at the Department of Human Geography and Planning.
- Drinks and meet your other students and lecturers of the department Human Geography and Spatial Planning
Programme coordinator: Dr. Femke van Noorloos
You will find information about your study programme, studying at Utrecht University and so forth on this International Development Studies students website. TIP: bookmark this page!
- Read more about the content of your study programme, such as your compulsory and elective courses.
- You will be automatically registered for your courses for the first period only. After this you have to arrange the course registration yourself.
- Your course schedules will be available two weeks before your courses begin. Also see the academic year calendar.
- Study materials -such as books and readers- can be ordered online.
- You will need to use your own laptop for computer practicals during your studies. You can also use it for other classes. There are specifications that your laptop needs to meet.
- Your Solis-id is your username for most university IT facilities (Blackboard, OSIRIS, WiFi, printing). You will receive your login details shortly before the beginning of your programme by email.
All practical matters will be addressed during the first week of your programme.
As part of the introduction a ceremony is held during which the Marc de Smidt Thesis Prize is awarded to the best Master's theses of graduates of the department Human Geography & Spatial Planning.
The Stogo Foundation was founded in May 1984 as an initiative of the staff of the Faculty Geosciences of the Utrecht University, and geographers active in policy making.
The Stogo foundation has always remained autonomous and independent, although the foundation has regularly worked together with the faculty Geosciences. One of its purposes is to help geographers and planners with their first steps on the labor market.
Professor Marc de Smidt
The Stogo foundation offers students in Human Geography & Planning a prize for the best Master's thesis every year, to stimulate students to publish their Master's thesis.
The prize is named after Professor Marc de Smidt (1941-1992), one of the founders of the Stogo foundation. Marc de Smidt was linked to the faculty Geosciences at Utrecht University as a professor in economic geography, but his interest and involvement has extended out to many other fields of research. Marc de Smidt was involved in the foundation and the growth of the Stogo Foundation as the president of the foundation.
The Marc de Smidt Thesis Prize is awarded annually to the author of the Utrecht Master's thesis that, "in the opinion of the judges', meets best the criteria decided by the Stogo foundation.
The prize consists of the jury report and €800. The nominees who come in second and third place, will receive a jury report and a money prize as well. The ceremony takes place on the first Monday in September, during the opening of the new academic year.
Next to the jury award, there is also an audience award. Nominees are asked to prepare a pitch which is at most 5 minutes to convince the audience that their thesis is the best one. The nominees are invited to make this pitch as creative as possible!
The master theses are assessed by a jury of Utrecht geographers working in education, business and public authorities. At least one board member of the Stogo foundation and one employee of the faculty Geosciences of Utrecht University will have a seat in the jury.
As an international student there are certain things you have to arrange when coming to Utrecht University, such as finding accommodation, paying your fee(s) and other practical matters. To help you on your way we have a special ‘Welcome to Utrecht’- webpage with:
- a checklist of things to do before and upon arrival.
- an orientation programme for international students.
Make sure to come to the general orientation for international students of Utrecht University. Don’t forget to sign up on our special ‘Welcome to Utrecht’-webpage.
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It is also possible to participate in the Utrecht Introduction Time (UIT) week. It is a general city introduction open to anyone who is going to study in Utrecht. Here you can meet students of Utrecht University (UU), University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU), University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU) and University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) among others. But also get to know all the student organisations that Utrecht has and of course the city itself.
Do you wish to join? Then register on time!