Course enrolment

Course enrolment

When you apply as an exchange student to the Faculty of Geosciences you also apply to enrol in your chosen courses. The Faculty’s Study Advisors and/or Board of Examiners will review your application and decide, based on their assessment of your background, whether to approve your admission to the courses you’ve chosen. Once this approval is given, the International Office Geosciences will enrol you in the courses. If there are any issues with your course enrolment, the office will contact you. Your enrolment will be finalised about one month before the start of your semester. At that moment the office will send you your final course enrolment overview.

Dropping a course

If you decide to drop a course, you must inform the International Office Geosciences within two weeks after the start of the course. It is not possible to deregister later on. If you drop a course without deregistering on time, the course will appear in your final transcript marked “NC” (Not Completed).

Changing a course

For administrative reasons, it is practically impossible for you to drop a course and take another instead at the last moment. If you have second thoughts about a course, contact the International Office Geosciences at the latest two months before the start of the course. This only applies for courses at the Faculty of Geosciences. If you also follow courses at other faculties, please note that they might have other regulations on changing courses.