
In the Master’s programme Earth Surface and Water you will study the physical and geochemical processes of continental and coastal systems. You will look at natural as well as human-induced patterns. The main subject areas include the dynamics of coastal and river systems, (geo-)hydrological processes, groundwater remediation, land degradation in dry lands and mountainous regions, and delta evolution on centennial and longer time scales. This programme provides you with knowledge that is essential to manage the planet sustainably, to guarantee the availability of resources for future generations, and to understand and avert natural hazards.


Attention to sustainable development and innovation in order to maintain and preserve our planet, is important in education and research of the Faculty of Geosciences. This Master's programme is part of the Graduate School Geosciences and is organized by the Teaching Institute Earth Sciences, a joint organisational unit of the Departments of Earth Sciences and Physical Geography.


The study programme indicates the structure and progress of the Master's programme. Check the schedules to see how the academic year and the courses are organised. You can find more information on the different compulsory and (extra) optional components of the programme here.