
You take 15 EC per period from different time slots. The courses below are 7.5 EC unless indicated otherwise. The period (1/2/3/4) and time slot (A/B/C/D) are stated in parentheses, see schedules. You have to register for courses yourself.

You can also choose a maximum of two courses (15 EC) from the full list of Earth Sciences elective courses, to bring your first year total up to 60 EC / eight courses.

NB. You are allowed to take courses from outside of Earth Sciences, but if you do so you must earn at least 45 EC inside of your study path and you need approval from the Board of Examiners.

Study Paths

Earth, Life and Climate offers you a choice of four study paths. These are recommended, coherent combinations of courses from the programme. They are meant to help students design their own curriculum, and they facilitate specialisation within the programme and avoiding scheduling conflicts.

Final research project

In your second year you must carry out a final research project. Your research will culminate in a Master's thesis (30-45 EC), on which you will also give an oral presentation. In addition, you also have to do a guided research (7,5-30 EC) and/or internship (15-30 EC).

Please note

If you started your programme before 2016 and you still have one or more first year courses to complete then you must use the Study Guide from your starting year as your point of reference.