Elective courses

In this Master’s programme you can opt for two elective courses. All the faculty’s elective courses are worth 5 ECTS.

Your elective course may depend on which track you choose (more information on our Courses page). All the tracks consist of two courses worth 5 ECTS each: one offered by your own Master’s programme and the other by another study programme. In September, you must choose which track you want to follow. The track registration is no later than the 19th of September .

Between October 10, 8:00 a.m. to October 16, 5:00 p.m. you will select two elective courses from the range of courses offered by all the Master's programmes in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, using OSIRIS Student.


You must choose one of the following courses:

The number of students admitted to a course is limited. If there are only 25 or less places available in an elective course at the start of the enrolment period, it is clearly stated in the overview below.

Elective courses 2024-2025

Criminology and safety: Theories, trends, and policies2
Developmental Neuropsychology2
Educational Design & Consultancy2
Essentials of Care: Analysing Current Policy Trends2
Interventions in Diverse Contexts2
Juvenile Forensic Psychopathology2
Loss and Psychotrauma2
Methodological and Statistical Aspects of Social Science Research2
Neuropsychologische revalidatie (in Dutch)2
Organization Development2
Qualitative Research Methods2
Research in a Commercial Setting2
Social Influence, Public Communication and Advertising2
Social Research in a Digital Age2
Anxiety and related disorders3
Cognitive Neuropsychiatry3