Introduction (IN)
Welcome to the Master’s programme Social Challenges, Policies and Interventions.
The introduction (IN) is a fun, informative and compulsory week, in which you will learn your peers, future teachers and everything around your programme. It is the best start to successfully complete your Master’s degree.
See you at the IN!
Audiovisual material will be recorded at this event. If you wish not to appear recognizably in this content, please send an email to
Do you have any remaining questions after reading all information?
- For questions on the IN, please contact
- For questions on your study programme, please contact the Study Information Point (STIP).
- For questions on tuition fees or Studielink, please contact StudentServices.
- For questions on your (conditional) admission, please contact
IN programme (pdf)
Last published: 26 July 2024
Join the IN-party: Glow IN the Dark! You can buy your ticket here. Please note: the ticket sale runs via Study Association VOCUS, but you have to select the study association related to your programme (Versatile) when buying a ticket. You don't have to be a member of a study association to buy a ticket.
You will receive an e-mail no later than 30 August explaining when you are expected to come to the campus. Please note, students who have studied at Utrecht University before, do not have to participate in the general activities (such as the tour around Utrecht Science Park or the ICT lecture). However, they are expected to participate in the Master specific activities.
Please also check your study schedule via MyTimetable. You can login with your Solis-id. As soon as you are registered for your courses, you can see your personal study schedule.
You are expected to buy your study books. Make sure you buy the required books on time, since you usually need them already in the first week. You can buy them through internet or a regular book store. You can find the required textbooks per course through the Course Catalogue (under the section ‘materials’) or the course manual on Blackboard. Please note! Make sure you only buy the books you really need.
Utrecht University used the electronic environment Blackboard. Every course is added in a separate environment within Blackboard. In this environment you can find all information you need to participate in the course. The most important document is the course manual. In the manual you will in find information on the content of the course, the required reading material, exam dates and much more. You will have access to the course environments after 28st of August.
Please note, did you recently receive your Solis-ID, then it can take up to 24 hours before you are able to login to Blackboard. You have to be registered for a course to access the course environment. This will happen no later than 28st of August.
ICT lecture
To introduce our electronic environments used by Utrecht University, there is an online introduction programme. It is important to go through this programme before the IN so you are up to date on all systems.
No later than 26th of August an email will be send to your email address as known by Studielink with the link to the online introduction programme (in Grasple). If you did not receive this email, please contact
To use your student mail and most other IT facilities at the UU, you need to your Solis-ID. Your Solis-id is the same as your 7 digit student number. Your password is send in an email – after registration through Studielink. In the same email there is a link to reset your password. If you already changed your password, please use the most recent version of your password.
Please note: your Solis-ID is activated 6 weeks before the start of the college year.
Student mail
All students receive an UU email account. With your Solis-ID and password combined, you can login to your student mail via: Information on the IN and your study programme is send to both your personal email (as listed in Studielink) and your student mail. Keep an eye on both addresses!
Do you want more information on the student mail and the other IT-facilities?
You will be automatically registered for your (mandatory) courses. You’ll be registered in August for the courses of period 1 and 2. Afterwards, you can see your personal study schedule via MyTimetable or MYUU app. You will receive the login details in advance by e-mail. Please note! It is possible that your personal schedule will be available only by late August.
For your elective courses: you can enroll around half October via Osiris Student. See the electives page for details (this page will be updated in September for the electives in 2024-2025).
UU Welcome Week
For all international students Utrecht University organizes an university-wide UU Welcome Week. This way you will get a quick and fun introduction to your new environment. The Welcome Week will take place this summer in the week of 27 August, so make sure you arrive in the Netherlands on time.
Utrecht Introduction Time
It is also possible to participate in the Utrecht Introduction Time (UIT) week. This will take place from 12- 15 August. It is a general city introduction open to anyone who is going to study in Utrecht. Here you can meet students of Utrecht University (UU), University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU), University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU) and University of Humanistic Studies (UvH) among others. But also get to know all the student organisations that Utrecht has and of course the city itself.
Do you wish to join? Then register on time!
Academic Buddy Programme
The Academic Buddy Programme is a programme for international and local students. This programme matches international students who come to study in Utrecht with students already studying at Utrecht University. Some of the local students will study abroad themselves at a later stage during their study programme. When possible you will be matched with a student who will study in your home country.
Please find the information letters below:
- Welcome Letter Master's Students, send June 28 (pdf)
- Welcome Letter 2 Master's Students, send July 19 (pdf)
- Welcome Letter 3 Master's Students, send August 26 (pdf).
- Studying with a disability or chronic illness (pdf)
- Useful links and signposts (pdf)
- Explanation abbreviations building names (pdf)
- StudySkills - general information (pdf)
- StudySkills - writing tutoring (pdf)
- StudySkills - studycoaching (pdf)