Examination and commitment


Each course indicates which types of examination are used (for details, see: course catalogue).

Note: marks for parts of an examination are only valid in the academic year in which they were achieved.


Education is only productive if both 'parties' are willing to apply themselves. The importance of this commitment is also evident in the manner of assessment. A distinction is made between performance and effort. Performance relates to the quality of completed assignments and exams, effort relates to attendance and participation.

Every course has its own course handbook that tells you in advance what is expected of you in terms of performance and effort for this module. The course coordinator is the person who ultimately determines whether your efforts have been sufficient.

In general, a minimum rate of 80% attendance is the required norm. If you fail to meet the commitment requirements, you can be excluded from further participation in the course.

Course evaluation

Every course is evaluated by students. The global values of processed student evaluations are available to all students and can be found on Blackboard under Community - CA Evaluations. You can find the aforementioned information per course block here.

The evaluation data is discussed in the Programme Advisory Committee (PAC), in which the Master sounding board group also participates. The Committee’s recommendations are presented to the relevant coordinators with the goal of guaranteeing the quality of the education.

Course handbooks

Every course has its own course handbook that includes a detailed description of course content and structure and a description of the mutual expectations during the course. Course handbooks are published on Blackboard.