Requesting a methodology and statistics consultation
Do you encounter difficulties in the area of methodology and statistics while writing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis?
If you're carrying out research at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Utrecht University for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis, you may submit a request for advice on methodology and statistics.
Each student may schedule one or two consultation sessions. Are you working on a thesis project with several students? Then you can schedule one or two consultation sessions.
The consultant assumes that the methods, techniques, models and software you use in your thesis research have been taught in the education you received. The consultation is explicitly not meant for advising or teaching methods, techniques, models and software with which you are not yet familiar.
When and Where
Sessions take place in the consultation shop in the Langeveld building (Room F1.11).
You can book a consult using the app to plan consults. For each consultant the fields of expertise are indicated. Basic methodology and statistics covers the contents of the compulsory methods and statistics course in the Bachelor's programmes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. After you book a consult, your supervisor will be informed by email.
Advice is free of charge for students of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Address of the M&S consultation shop
Langeveld building, Room F1.11
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht