The Master’s thesis is the critical and final test of this programme. It is written in the form of a research article for an international scholarly journal, and is supervised by staff members who are senior fellows in the various research programmes within the Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Thesis Defence
You will defend your thesis during the Thesis Defence at the end of your second year. During this defence for your fellow students and teachers, a member of the Board of Studies will also be present. They will ask you several questions regarding your thesis.
The final grade for your thesis is given by the members of the Boards of Studies, after consultation of the supervisor and is based on the degree of it being publishable in an international journal. A standard form for the evaluation of the thesis has been developed by the Board of Studies.
Ethical review
All Bachelor's and (research) Master's students must have their thesis project ethically reviewed by the FERB through the online tool UU-SER. More information about the procedure and associated protocols can be found on the Student Ethics Review & Registration Site (UU-SER) website.