Clinical track

For students who are interested in clinical work in addition to research, EdSci offers the possibility to follow a clinical track. After completing the clinical track, Dutch speaking students can obtain the Dutch clinical starting qualification ‘NVO orthopedagoog’. It is also possible to obtain the ‘NVO-Basisaantekening diagnostiek’. You can continue to develop as an ‘NVO Orthopedagoog-generalist’ after completing additional post master training.

Clinical track graduates will have a clear added value within the research field of student care, as they combine sophisticated understanding of educational sciences with a clinical orientation. Particularly, in persistent educational challenges such as creating equal educational opportunities, clinical expertise plays an important role. By documenting individual differences in learning, and making sure differentiation in education does not lead to inequality of opportunity, to name but a few examples. In the first year, clinical track students follow the regular EdSci curriculum. The second year is tailored to the clinical track. An important part of the clinical track involves a clinical internship at institutions where qualified supervision for clinical internships can be provided.

To qualify for the clinical track a suitable BA programme (i.e., containing courses on psychopathology, diagnostic assessment, interventions, and clinical skills) is required. Furthermore, command of the Dutch language is required for the internship in a Dutch institution.

Outline of the Clinical Track within EdSci


The EdSci programme in the first year is exactly the same for both regular educational track and clinical track. In the second year, students in the clinical track:

  • are exempted from the course Interaction in Blended and Online Learning Environments (EdSci09; 7,5EC).
  • use both electives (EdSci 10, 11; 2 x 7,5EC) for their clinical internship.
  • do a clinical internship of 20 EC, including six supervised meetings with other students following a clinical internship (‘stagebijeenkomsten’).  
  • attend the lectures of Juveniles and Law (Jeugdrecht) and do the accompanying exam; andattend the lecture on professional ethics and do the accompanying assignment (2.5 EC).
  • have a different (more evenly spread) workload on EdSci13 Master’s thesis. The thesis is written across two semesters and is dedicated to a clinical topic.
  • have the opportunity to invest an additional 5 EC to their clinical internship in order to obtain the ‘NVO Basisaantekening diagnostiek’.
More information on the Clinical track (pdf)