Clinical track
For students who are, in addition to research, also interested in clinical work, there is a possibility to follow a clinical track within DaSCA.
As an important part of the clinical track involves a clinical internship, this track is only open for the students with a suitable BA programme (i.e., containing courses on psychopathology, diagnostic assessment, interventions, and clinical skills).
After following the clinical track, Dutch students can obtain the Dutch clinical starting qualification: registration as ‘basis orthopedagoog’, basic entry psychodiagnostics (BAPD) and entry requirements for further education as Health psychologist (GZ psycholoog).
International students should be aware that for a large majority of the clinical internship places, command of the Dutch language is required. We are willing to work together with you on a creative solution (such as a clinical internship in your own or in an English-speaking country, Dutch international school etc.), but at this moment we cannot offer any guarantees that suitable places and qualified supervision for such clinical internships can be found.