Student wellbeing

During your student life you may encounter different challenges. Often, these are part of everyday life and your personal development, and fortunately, they usually lead to a very exciting, fun and positive period. Yet, as with most challenges, it can all feel demanding, confusing, tiring and difficult at times. You may feel overwhelmed, exhausted, upset, anxious or lonely. Talking about this with those around you can help to remind you that this is often very normal and understandable, and that it is an important and healthy part of your development. By experiencing setbacks and difficulties you will develop skills to cope with them.
There may also be times when you could use a little support and encouragement. Utrecht University believes it is important to discuss your experiences and wellbeing. That's why we offer you help in different ways and at different times, so that it always meets your needs best as possible. The Faculty of Social sciences has various counsellors available for you. In addition, you can find support from Utrecht University's central services. See what is on offer below.
Student wellbeing services