
In the Thesis course, you are able to choose a project that fits your interests.

In general, students will perform their thesis as part of existing, already ongoing research projects supervised by one of the lecturers involved in the Master’s programme, but by exception you may also conduct your research in collaboration with your internship organisation. In the latter case, your research plan needs to fulfil specific conditions set by our programme, and always needs to be checked before it can be approved.

We urge you to get such approval before the start of the Master’s programme (August or September). To get permission, you need to complete and submit the form ‘thesis at the internship place’ which you can request via The enrolment procedure for the thesis projects in existing projects is explained in the Blackboard community ‘thesis’ and is open at the beginning of period 1.

Please keep an eye on Blackboard for the most updated information.


After completing your Master’s thesis, you are capable of designing and conducting scientific research on one or more of the themes related to the Master’s programme CCFES. The theoretical framework, the research questions, operationalisations, measurement procedures and instruments and research design are based on recent theories and research.

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Ethical review

From 1 September 2020, all Bachelor's and (research) Master's students must have their thesis project ethically reviewed by the FERB through the online tool UU-SER. More information about the procedure and associated protocols can be found on the Student Ethics Review & Registration Site (UU-SER) website.