
Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4Year-round
Critical Thinking for Clinical Professionals (5 EC)Elective course (5 EC) / Diagnostic Registration (5 EC)Clinical professional in different contexts (5 EC)n/a         Academic Professional (3.5 EC) / Juveniles and Law (1.5 EC) / Internship (20 EC) / Thesis (20 EC)

List of courses

Almost all the courses in the Master’s programme Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies are taught on Fridays, except for the faculty organised courses and the elective parts.

Available coursesCourse codeperiod
Critical Thinking for Clinical Professionals2016002041
Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies: Academic Professional2022002031-4
Academic Professional: Juveniles and Law2022001011-4
Elective coursedepends on choice2
Diagnostic registration2019002062-4
Clinical professional in different contexts2016002053
Master's internship2016002021-4
Master's thesis2016002011-4

You can view your personal time schedule in MyTimetable. The enrolment for the mandatory courses happens automatically. The procedure regarding the enrolment for the elective course will be explained via Blackboard (and e-mail) in the beginning of period 1.