Training Dealing with Perfectionsim (English)


Perfectionism can bring many benefits: you produce high-quality work, you are kind and considerate to everyone, you make (almost) no mistakes. Unfortunately, this also comes at a price. Being perfect takes a lot of time and effort, and is sometimes exhausting. Do you feel you are being lived by your perfectionism? Do you want things to be different?

In this workshop, we use methods from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It is a helping hand to live a more relaxed live based on what really matters to you.

Who is it for
All UU-students, (recent) UU graduates, and PhD candidates.

Note: Since this training is also accessible to PhD candidates, there is a small chance you might encounter a lecturer during the training.

Parnassos Cultural Center, room 116

Jacky Limvers

Free entrance


Our no-show policy
We are happy to offer workshops for free to all Utrecht University students. However: free of charge does not mean free of responsibility. Our activities tend to be fully booked well in advance. For every late cancellation or no-show we have had to disappoint students who would have liked to attend. This is how we work: 

  • Once you have signed up for a workshop, we expect you to attend;
  • If you need to cancel your registration, do so at the earliest possible moment, at least 24 hours before the workshop.

Any questions regarding the workshop? Please send an email to

Start date and time
End date and time
Parnassos Cultural Center, 116
Entrance fee
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