Orientation Programme Gender Studies

From to

Feel free to fetch a cup of coffee at the Library Plaza (entrance Wittevrouwenstraat 7) before the start of the programme. Don't forget to bring your own mug!

Tuesday 3 September 2024

11:00 - 12:45

Introductions and outlines of the programme
Location: Janskerkhof 15A 001

12:45 - 13:15


13:15 - 15:00

Doing Gender Studies in the classroom

17:00 - ...

After the Introduction Meeting we will go for a drink at the bar de Bastaard (Jansveld 17, 3512 BD Utrecht) where we will also meet the Research Master students and the staff of the Gender and Postcolonial Studies team.

Wednesday 4 September 2024


GenAI in Education
lecture by Karin van Es
Location: Drift 13, 004

Start date and time
End date and time