Career Webinar - Finding a Job as an International

Life Sciences Career Event


Are you curious what kind of jobs are possible after finishing your Master's or PhD degree? Join the Life Sciences Career Event webinars!

During the Online Life Sciences Career Events we invite GSLS alumni to talk about their job and the road towards it. Each event has a specific theme, either a field to work in (consultancy, non-profits, pharmaceutical industry), or a topic to help you kickstart your career (finding a job as an international, how to prepare a job interview). These events are facilitated by a GSLS career officer, and you are invited to actively ask questions and/or participate in discussions. Please make sure to register for the events for them to count for the Broadening Life Sciences module. 

Topic: finding a job as an international

Finding a job as an international (non-)EU student can be challenging. We discuss remarkable features regarding the Dutch job market, helpful organizations, and the necessity of learning Dutch.

Programme in short

16:00     Start and introduction
16:05     Alumnus 1
16:20     Q&A
16:30     Alumnus 2
16:45     Q&A
16:55     Closure

Alumni information

More information will follow. 


Start date and time
End date and time
MS Teams
Entrance fee

Register here

More information
All Life Sciences Career Events