Career Café

Wereldbol met logo universiteit erin

New! Every second Thursday of the month Drift 13, room 005 is transformed into a Career Café. From 2-5 pm, you can drop in there to work on your career. You could write an application letter for that internship or prepare an interview.

You can also ask questions to a member of team Careers Orientation. How to find an internship? What does the job vacancy actually say? Should I say something about my neurodivergent brain? Is my cv in order?

Open to all students (and alumni) of the Faculty of Humanities. Also part of the hUUman resources network for international students and alumni who have the ambition to stay and work in the Netherlands.

Start date and time
End date and time
Drift 13, 005

No need to register. You can just come on in from 2-5 pm.

More information
Team careers orientation