Uppsala University

Uppsala University is an exchange destination in Uppsala, Sweden. This destination is specifically for bachelor and master students in Natural Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Computing Science and Mathematics of Utrecht University, Faculty of Science.

Fields of study

Bachelor and master Natural Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Computing Sciences and Mathematics

You can take courses from the Faculty of Science & Technology, so not specifically focused on one field. 

Number of places available

2 semester places per year. More places may be possible, however, only for the Spring Semester. 

Selection was necessary in the last years. 

Student experiences

Download the student experiences

Download the student experiences 22-23


General information

General information new students

General information for exchange students

Social Media





Academic calendar

Semester 1: September – mid January

Semester II: mid-January – June

Academic calender


For Basic Swedish language courses: courses Basic Swedish

The majority of bachelor courses is taught in Swedish. For the bachelor courses taught in the English language most courses need a prerequisite knowledge of 120 credits prior to coming to Uppsala. If you have not done 120 EC, then please carefully check the entry requirements of the courses you are interested in.

Areas of study open to exchange students

This partnership is based on a bilateral agreement between Science UU and Uppsala University and the Departments of Natural Sciences, Computer Sciences and Mathematics.

Courses at Master’s level


Courses taught in English

Courses exchange students

Housing assistance

Formal exchange students from exchange agreements with a good balance between incoming and outgoing students are given priority for student housing, given that they submit their housing application on time and accept an offer for housing when made.

At Uppsala University there are no halls of residences, colleges or other forms of ‘university housing’. All rooms that students live in are regular rooms owned by a variety of different housing companies. These rooms are administered by the private company Uppsala University Housing Office. The Uppsala University Housing Office has a detailed website explaining all you might need to know about housing in Uppsala and Visby.

More information on housing at Uppsala University can be found here

Housing Office

Estimated living costs per month

About SEK 7300 per month.

Credits and grading

Normal study load per term: 30 ects.

Courses are 7,5 or 15 ects (5 or 10 weeks period). Full time study load is 1,5 credits per week.

Grading system

Contact informatie

International office Faculteit Bèta

Voor korte vragen (5-10 minuten) kun je naar het inloopspreekuur komen of bellen tijdens telefoonuren.

  • Inloopspreekuur: Maandagen tussen 10:00 en 12:00 (aanmelden bij Minnaert 1.20)
  • Telefoonuren: Maandagen tussen 13:30 en 15:00 via het telefoonnummer: +31 641553879