Roma Tre University

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Roma Tre University is an exchange destination for Utrecht University students of the faculty of Geosciences in Rome, Italy.

Student experiences
Academic calendar

Generally the Italian University academic year is from October 1st to September 30th.


The first semester starts mid-September/October and ends about 20th December. The second semester starts 1st March and ends 31st May. Those dates do not include examinations.


In February there is a long recess for mid-year examinations. The three regular examination periods are in summer (June-July) autumn (September) and winter (January-February) 



Classes are in Italian so a minimum level of B1 Italian is required (see CEFR). 

Areas of study open to exchange students

Earth Sciences

Courses at Master’s level


Language of instruction

Both Bachelor and Master classes are taught in Italian. 

Housing assistance

Roma Tre provides a real estate brokerage service through Sturent- Affitti per Studenti company.


More information about accommodation can be found here: Student Accommodation - Università Roma Tre (

Estimated living costs per month

See the website for more information. 


The credits mentioned in Roma Tre transcripts are equal to ECTS. One credit represents 29 hours of study, with one full time academic year consisting of 60 ECTS credits. 

Number of places available

Two places for 5 months

Additional information

Roma Tre offers Italian language courses: Homepage - Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) (