Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Germany) is an exchange destination for students of the Faculty of Geosciences.

Student experiences

not available 

Academic calendar
  • Summer semester: beginning of April - end of July
  • Winter semester: beginning of October - end of February

See Academic Calendar (IO) | Leuphana

  • Intermediate level (B1) in German when taking courses taught in German. The International Center offers a 4-week language and orientation program for new international students before the start of every semester, including (a.o.) Intensive German language courses (available from beginner level). The university also offers courses at all levels except elementary level (A1) during the semester.
  • Upper intermediate level (B2) in English when taking courses taught in English
Areas of study open to exchange students

Environmental Sciences

Courses at Master’s level


Language of instruction

German or English

Housing assistance

Yes, see accommodation

Estimated living costs per month

About €850,- per month. See Cost of Living | Leuphana


Normal study load: 30 EC per semester (standard module workload: 5 EC)

More information about the grading system: Grading System | Leuphana

Number of places available

5 places of 10 months each for Bachelor students

3 places of 10 months each for Master students