Literary Studies

The minor Literary Studies offers an overview of European literary history and its main aspects.


Number of EC

30 EC

Number of courses

4 compulsory courses


Block 1

Minor coordinator

Dr. Flore Janssen

Course overview

Literary Studies

Minor code


Entry requirements

None (not open to students in the BA-programme Literary Studies/Literatuurwetenschap)

Associated MA programmes
Register between 3 June and 21 June 2024

Make sure to register for the minor as well as all its courses

What is this minor about?

This minor provides an introduction to the discipline of Literary Studies. Students will gain insight into the main questions, theories, and methods used in this discipline, as well as an overview of the most important debates surrounding the nature of literature and what role it plays in society. This is a good preparation for a master's programme in this field of study.


    The minor Literary Studies consists of 4 compulsory courses (30 EC). 

    1. Introduction to Literary Studies/Inleiding Literatuurwetenschap. This course explores the academic discipline of Literary Studies (Comparative Literature). Students learn to approach texts from a literary studies perspective. What questions are asked and what concepts, sources, and methods are used to answer them? 
    2. Close Reading. This course is an introduction to the method of close reading, focusing on the analysis of prose (short stories) and poetry. 
    3. Cultural Criticism. Students acquire knowledge of literary theory and/as cultural criticism. They learn to analyse and interpret literary texts in the light of the most important cultural-critical texts from the 19th and 20th centuries.
    4. Current Debates in Literary Studies. Building on the insights gained in Cultural Criticism in period 3, this course explores 21st century developments and approaches.

    Please note: if you previously completed Tlc-Literary Studies, an Introduction (TL2V18001) you are required to take the course Lit-Literary History 1: Antiquity and Middle Ages (LI1V21001) instead of Lit-Introduction to Literary Studies (LI1V18001) in period 1. To do so, please contact the Board of Examiners of your programme.

      Application and registration

      How to register for this minor and its course modules, depends on whether you are a student of Utrecht University or not.

      More information

      If you wish to know more, or have questions about this minor, please contact the Student Desk Humanities.