Creative Cities

In the minor Creative Cities, you investigate cities, urban citizenship and their dynamics. With an interdisciplinary approach, you connect theory and practice, to explore the changing dynamics of cities.


Number of EC

30 EC

Number of courses

4 compulsory courses


Block 1, 2, 3 or 4


Dr. Nermin Elsherif 


Course overview

Creative Cities

Minor code


Entry requirements

Basic knowledge of Humanities, Social and Behavioural sciences, and/or about the relation between arts and society

Associated MA-programmes

Start block 1 or 2: register between 3 June and 10 June 2024 13.00
Start block 3 or 4: register between 4 November and 11 November 2024 13.00

Make sure to register for the minor as well as all its courses

Goal and content minor

The minor Creative Cities caters to students interested in emerging artistic practices, subcultures and new media, and how these phenomena relate to creative developments in urban society. Investigating cities, urban citizenship and the multidimensional dynamics between them requires an interdisciplinary academic approach, while simultaneously offering endless possibilities for exploring connections between theory and practice. All courses of this minor programme open the door to the urban world beyond the university classroom and provide students with theoretical concepts, practical tools, and creative spaces to explore the constantly evolving dynamics of cities.

The Creative Cities minor is inspired by the growing realization that creative, economically viable and liveable cities of the future will only thrive if their citizens turn from passive consumers into active participants who take responsibility for each other and their surroundings. All kinds of cultural practices can influence this process of bottom-up city building. Thus, the different courses in this minor offer opportunities to critically study new digital media technologies and their creative applications, the changing role of young people in urban society, formal and informal cultural interventions in public space, and cutting edge participatory arts in lower income areas (community arts).

The minor Creative Cities is also a kernpakket for students TCS and LAS.


The minor Creative Cities consists of 4 compulsory courses (30 EC). 

Bachelor students in Media en cultuur/Media and Culture

If you do a bachelor in Media en cultuur/Media and Culture with the specialization track (verdiepingspakket) Participatory Cultures, you have 7.5 EC overlap. In this case, you can do an extra elective course (profileringscursus/vrije keuze) instead. You need to request approval from the Examination Board for this extra elective course.

Application and registration

How to register for this minor and its course modules, depends on whether you are a student of Utrecht University or not.

More information

If you wish to know more, or have questions about this minor, please contact the Student Desk Humanities.