Applied Data Science

Are you interested in the growing field of data analytics, and would you like to further develop your skills in this field? Then this minor could be something for you!

Student profile

This Minor is intended for students who find it interesting to answer questions by analysing data. It is offered to students from different faculties of Utrecht University, so it is likely that during this Minor you will be part of a diverse community of students coming from different fields, such as the social and behavioural sciences, the humanities, geosciences, health and sciences.

Given the overlap with their own Bachelor's programme, students of the profile Kennis en Data Analytics of Informatiekunde (UU) cannot follow this minor programme as a whole. They are welcome to follow the other individual courses that are offered within the minor but cannot obtain the minor certificate.

Last year, I decided to enrol in the minor because I wanted learn about statistics and explore the field of data science. For me this program has been an ideal mix of theory and hands-on experience, giving me the opportunity to understand statistical and data science concepts and apply them in practical group projects. Looking back, I can say for certain that I am very happy I decided to follow this minor, and I'd totally recommend it to anyone with a similar learning goal as I had.

Ossama Sijbesma, Student of the ADS minor

Study programme 

The Minor consists of four courses, where two courses are obligatory for everyone. The other two can be chosen, depending on the bachelor programme you are following. 

Analysing data is much fun!! This minor will make you more attractive for future employers and there is a large demand for data scientists. It will also help you to find out whether following a master or research master in this field is something you would like.

Professor Peter van der Heijden

Minor declaration

If you are a student of Utrecht University, the minor will be included in your International Diploma Supplement (provided that you have met all the requirements, of course).

If you are not a student of the University, it may be useful to request a minor declaration. This will allow you to demonstrate that you have successfully completed the minor. When you have passed all courses of this minor, you can apply for a minor declaration in Osiris Case. To do so, you must be enrolled in the minor.

Master's programme Applied Data Science

The minor Applied data science can also be used in order to fulfil all the entry requirements of the as a premaster for the Master's programme Applied data science for students from research universities, if you have followed the two obligatory courses in block 2 and 4, as well as the course Programming with data in block 3. For more information on admission to this Master's programme please check the Applied Data Science website.

More information

Check the Frequently Asked Questions about this minor:

For further information, please contact Laura Boeschoten (